
Monday, July 16, 2012

The simple things make me the happiest

I wrote this when I was on holiday :)

Today when I woke up things didn't look too good. My boyfriend is unwell, I didn't get a good sleep, the caravan was freezing. However I looked out the window and saw a few ducks. Now I love animals so I was really excited that they were so close to our caravan. More and more ducks joined and soon the few ducks had turned into a group of them. Excited I jumped up from the seat and begged my boyfriends family to let me use some bread to feed them. My boyfriend even though he's ill got his coat and shoes on and joined me as I ran out the door. The ducks started to move away as they heard our shoes hit the stone path. I gently threw the bread towards the ducks and they all ran towards where the bread has landed. I was so happy seeing them all eat the bread and quacking. My boyfriends parents think I act more like a child but a simple thing like feeding ducks makes me happy. I felt really good and I have never been so close to that many ducks before. Feeding animals always makes me happy and I think it always will. I've always wished I was Dr Dolittle and could speak to animals but since I can't I'll settle for feeding animals and hopefully making their day a bit brighter.

Later on that day I also wrote:
Today turned out to be better than I thought it would be. We went to a Wild Animal Park (basically a zoo) my boyfriend knows I love animals so he told his dad that I would love to go there but no one told me this so it was a wonderful surprise when we arrived there. I was so excited to go in and nearly ran to each enclosure to see the animals. I always feel bad because sometimes the enclosure feels a bit small but I would never get to see these animals if I didn't go to zoos or something similar. There was hippos, reindeer, giraffes, rhinos, lions, tigers, bears, different types of monkeys, otters, bats, vultures, kangaroos, ducks, leopards, penguins and some others that I either couldn't find the picture and description for or couldn't get a good look at them to match them to the picture. I had so much fun running around with my boyfriend seeing all the beautiful animals and taking picture of them. Unfortunately the pictures are not that great.

Being happy at simple things, Heather ^.^

Always wanting things I can't have

Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a gamer. I play games on my xbox almost everyday. However I've come to that part in nearly every gamers life when your beloved console is dying on you. My xbox is really needing replaced. I would love to buy one of these three xboxs!

1) R2D2 xbox with C3PO controller!

2) Game of Thrones xbox and controller

3) Halo 4 xbox and controller
I adore these three xboxs! I think they look fantastic. I know they work the exact same as the plain black ones so wanting any of these is purely cosmetic but I can't help it they are so awesome! I don't have the money to buy a new xbox plain or designed.

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that my xbox will survive a bit longer., Heather ^.^